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Published on January 22, 2020
In Latin America, the criminal justice system has been regarded as one of the primary means of dealing with social issues, including violence. This limited viewpoint is well received in many governments where penal populism and the “iron fist” rule raise repressive policies over social policies that address causes with a structural approach.
Published on January 22, 2020
Latin America has extensive experience creating laws against gender-based violence and discrimination, which have become very common in the region.
Submitted on Legal problems , January 22, 2020
Juan is of legal age, and he is Andrea’s partner. They are having their first sexual encounters and, since they do not have comprehensive information about sex practices, Andrea got pregnant. To avoid any potential legal consequences against Juan because of him having sexual relations with a minor, Andrea prefers not to visit health facilities during her pregnancy and childbirth.
Submitted on Legal problems , January 22, 2020
Martina got pregnant as a result of rape by her father. He was convicted and is now in prison. Martina doesn’t know where her mother is. She lives with her aunt and uncle, but they are not her legal guardians. To avoid consequences for them, Martina chose not to register her baby.